
What is Evidence-Based Versus Experience-Based?

Evidence-based medicine is a scientific approach to healthcare based on tested and true research and is guided heavily by information generated from rigorously controlled studies. This medicine evolved from the older system, where medicine was guided by personal experience by the physician. Despite being research-based, strictly adhering to Evidence-based medicine has come under scrutiny in the last few years. Many doctors feel that strictly following this line of care fails to uncover underlying health issues that are influenced and found in each patient. Evidence-based medicine has like this has become very cumbersome, technical, and too statistical over the years to allow practitioners and patients to apply the concepts to everyday life. Experience-based medicine challenges these ideas, drawing on personal histories and stories surrounding the patient, their habits, and their environment. Experience-based medicine allows for a more personal relationship between physician and patient. Furthermore, it allows space for a quicker more resolute, and reliable diagnosis and escalates positive encouragement to the patient and their circumstance.

Who Can Benefit?

Dr.s Powell and Long treat anyone from 18 years and older. No matter who you are, we work tirelessly to understand how your genetics, history, medications, and environment all come together to affect your current condition. We have seen all too often how the conventional medicine approach to patient care has failed to realize that every patient is different and that each underlying factor may be different between two people. Taking this knowledge into account our physicians and team strive to be different by providing a more personalized approach to the “Health of You”.

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